User Rating: 2.8 | Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided PC
Anyone who is rating this game above a 5 has got to be a blindly devoted SW fanboy who is going to love ANYTHING SW related (and probably thought that Episode 1 was a good movie). Come on guys admit it we got robbed of $50! It is disgraceful that this game was released in this state and even worse that our fee trial period will be up before it is running correctely. There should be a recall of this product. The fact that SWG went gold in what is clearly still a beta state is more proof that George Lucas stopped giving a damn about his fans when Jedi ended (actually before that when he decided to forget a sensible story for Jedi and put in the ever so marketable Ewoks). If the last two movies didn't turn you off from SW then SWG might not but don't bet on it.