Too many problems in all three of this games incarnations.

User Rating: 2.9 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
Throughout the existence of Star Wars Galaxies, the virtual universe has contained bugged quests, broken npc's, and many ways to make overpowered characters. However there was always the skill point based, 32 profession character builder. People could master 2 full professions and dabble in another if they desired, spending no more than 250 skill points. A master of hand to hand combat (Teras Kasi in the SW universe) could also be a master dancer and have a few medic skills. The crafting system was the most advanced in any game I have ever played. Combat characters looted the hardest components to find, and in turn the weaponsmiths or armorsmiths could craft the best items. In the first system many professions were useless compared to the power of others, so a Combat Upgrade was published. I refuse to go into detail about this upgrade, which in my opinion was a blatant World of Warcraft clone. The mystical Jedi became huge in numbers due to the fact that they no longer had to grind in hiding. New professions trumped others and absolutely no balance was brought to the game.
The next upgrade was released with this Start Kit and is known by players as the NGE (New Game Enhancements). The implementation of point and click fighting as opposed to turn based RPG style. People do not pay $15 a month to play a game like this. The NGE was published without much notice, and is clearly in the BETA stage. It is simple, it eliminated the 32 professions and made 9. Jedi is now a starter profession compared to the months and months of work just to get a beginner Jedi prior to the NGE. The veteran players had their game taken away. The new players are being tricked by an ironed out, very entertaining and fun "newbie" area and once they load into the galaxy are astounded by the bugs and boredom this game. Finally, good luck trying to get a level 90 character without buying BOTH expansions.