Good game plenty to do, just don't lose your head listing to the angry vets.
First off do not listen to the angry vets their just mad that the game is different. They just need to pick up a new MMORPG if they don't like it. I was their from Pre CU to the NGE, I know pretty much about all of the game and its still a good game to pick up. Now, let me get started on my review.
This game starts you off from a wide selection of alien species to choose from, from a hammer-headed Ithorian to a Wookie-hunting Trandoshan. You can also customize your character to the very last detail, which is really neat and very free in this area. When you have your character created you can pick your profession, anywhere from Bounty Hunter to a Entertainer to a Trader. Once you pick your profession you pick your starting location. You either choose to start off in a Space Station, which is really the tutorial, or if you have already played, you can start off on tatooine. You start off by doing missions for Han Solo, which allows you to collect some equipment. Once you complete a quest. you gain XP, Credits, and (sometimes) items. If you have ever played World of Warcraft some of this may seem familiar.
Their is a lot to do in the game, and many, many planets to visit each with huge explorable environments. It really "wow's" the mind how big the planets are. All of this sounds really cool but their are still some problems with the mechanics and execution. The movement seems a little fast and jerky. Their are also some glitches with the combat, these things aren't really that noticeable but can serve as a problem. This game is a MMORPG so the bugs will be fixed, sooner of later. Combat is pretty fast paced, you shoot with the left click of the mouse and execute special attacks with the right click of the mouse, and you aim with your mouse.
If you choose the profession Trader, You get to craft stuff. The process is pretty complicated and in depth but is really neat. you first survey for a certain resource, you then look for the highest percentage and begin to take samples of the resource in the given location. After you have collect a sufficient amount of resources you then begin to craft your item. You will then take your resources and place them in a certain box. Depending on the resource you use you could make a better item then a item made with a lesser sample. Eventually you will be making more complicated things where you have to make components or buy components and rare items for you to complete a item.
As you can see their are a lot of things you can do, and even more to come. Their is even more things you can do that i have not gone over. I think this is a really good MMORPG for new people Even though I currently do not play it anymore. So try the demo first and see how you like it.