This game is the BEST. Sure it's laggy and has bugs, but what games aren't? What games don't have dumb GM's?
NPC Interaction: A+ C'mon, there are little glitches, but hey, this still rocks. About the only thing against the npc's with voice overs is the lack of the "real" actors, but I wouldn't expect it.
Missions: They are laid out in an ultra clear fashion and are just spectacular. Real star wars feel.
PvP: Now here is where the game really shines. I haven't had so much fun since playing Unreal Tournament 2004. This game actually requires skillz to win at PvP. I saw a friend playing the older version and asked him what he saw in it, tactical something or other was his response. Pfft. Boring, slow, and didn't require a reaction time. I saw him get beat by someone who we play against in Counterstrike, and this guy just sucks at Counterstrike. Now, this guy would get vaped, if only my friend hadn't quit.
Space: I love space! I'm going to get my own ETA-2 Actis (Jedi Starfighter) and just go a blasting. I'm in a Tie right now, but watch out Rebel Scum, here I come!
Realistically I would never have played the old game. Combat required no skill, this new system just #*&^% rocks. To all those that played the old game and are now cryings. Suck it up, this game is ten times better. Now you actually need reflexes to hit a target. First person shooters rule and this game, other than the lag, is a great FPS.
The one real rough spot is the GM's. They just flat out suck. They never gave me any help at all when I got stuck in a wall at the station. Apparently bugs like this are common, but I've only seen about 5 nasty ones thus far, and even then not all directly impacting me. Bugs/Games, they're intertwined.
Thank you John Sneedly, SOE, and Lucasarts for this masterpiece. Now all I have to do is find enough people to start a guild and I'll be set. Later all, kill ya in-game!