Want to waste a few dollars on a game? Why not this one!
Click click click click click. But don't get me wrong; it’s not a 1st person shooter! Its not turn based, I don't even know what it is and the developers don't either.. Wandering blind publish to publish. Combat is clumsy and sloppy, and just bad. What’s the point of all that clicking when you can just hold click? It is horrendous. Do you want to craft in a game? Don't try this one, originally being designed for skill, crafters have been put on the backburners, and rumor has it they may be removed from the game all together.
But we don't know, because SOE won't tell us. Will crafters be like the next creature handlers? They spend two and a half years on their profession, then 2 weeks... TWO WEEKS they were removed from the game just like that. You cannot trust SOE on ANYTHING they say. Don't even trust it in patch notes, because half the "content and bug fixes" they release will not work. Don't believe anything, until you are able to see it working fine ingame. But even so...
Ah yes, supposedly this game takes place after Episode IV so the developers should be adding more Episode IV, V content right? Magic 8 ball says... LOL. With the release of episode III, they decided to REVERT to episode III by adding the wookiee homeland, and the volcano planet as expansions. Where is Hoth, my dear developers? Instead they add "Commander Cody" as the commando rep, old droids, and clone armor.. It makes no sense. There hasn't been any Episode IV content released since... since... vehicles were released in the game 2 years ago.
I for one was still waiting for my Galactic Civil War, but instead the developers felt the need to redo the game, not once, but twice. TWICE. A complete overhaul. Conspiracy theorists in the game would tell you, they're just trying to pull you month to month on broken promises to leach as much as they can while they do more top secret developments. I cannot argue with that claim.
Who can tell what they have in the future? I for one don't want to try out.
I can't tell you how to spend your money and time, but I can tell you this: This game would be a waste of it.