Execute order 66
The new combat system is best discribed as a first person diablo clone. The combat is Fast paced and glitchy and will destroy the fan-base left after the pre-cu. I found the new combat system to be quite enjoyable for about 10 minutes into the game, then it became annoying and bothersome. The only thing i hated more then the combat was the new class system. The old system allowed you to chose from 36 classes including pikeman, bioengineer and pistoler; however classes like bounty hunter and jedi required work to achive {as they should} But the new class system Meld those 35 classes into 9
which consist of Bountyhunter, Jedi, Commando, Trader, Smuggler, Entertainer, Medic, Officer, and Spy. Now the player base consists of 80% jedi 10% Bounty hunters and 100% of players who found other MMO's to hard on their Simple Simple Minds. On an upnote the music is fantastic, the tracks or taken from all the SW movies and sound wonderful while playing. However NGE incorperated voice acting for all the main Characters Han,Vader,ect. But they did'nt cast the original cast So the voice acting is attrosish.
In this game there is little fun to be had (unless you're mentally impaired)
So i suggest you save that 20$ and go and buy jedi knight II for the pc for quality SW fun