BEST GAME who cares what every1 else says...... i love it and every1 should go out and buy it no lie

User Rating: 9.6 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
its is the sh*% i swear its fun as he&* i play it preatty much every day and never get bored but yeah sure there are a couple bugs but also every1 is preatty much a jedi but at leastsome people arent all jedi like me im a jedi a bounty hunter and commander so all i have to say is get it it is so damn fun if u like star wars then go out and come get this game im not lieing it is worth the subscription and all the expasions are cool too the trials of obi wan is preatty cool and soo is rage of wookies so all the money you decide to spend on this game is gonna be worth it no doubt