Getting better.....

User Rating: 7.5 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
I have to admit that I was extremely upset when SOE went through with the "NGE" (New Game Enhancements update) on November 15th 2005 that completely redesigned Star Wars Galaxies.

However, in the 2+ years that have past, the game has come along way and is on the way to being a good game again. Right now it's merely decent for veterans but for veterans who've been away for a long time and new players, there's a lot of new stuff that's pretty good and old stuff that's been revised. I wish I could list them all here, but it would take up a lot of text and time.

Currently there's a 14 day free trial out so I would give it chance. It's quite different than a lot of other MMO's out there (like WoW) while also retaining some familiar attributes so people who come from other MMO's don't have to make any drastic adjustments.

So give it a try, it's not the best MMO out there but it's certainly not the worst. Also it's doesn't have the most "Star Warsy" feel to it. Don't expect to be luke or han (though you can be a jedi or smuggler) and your contact with these heroes is very limited. Think of it more as living out as your OWN person in the star wars universe...that's is after all the original purpose of the game.

If you get stuck, simply use the official forums to find answers to any question you have about quests, loot, guilds, etc (just type SWG official forums in google/yahoo....not sure how GS feels about posting links in reviews).

Also the best and most populated servers in Galaxies atm are: Ahazi, Bria, Bloodfin, and Chimaera.