SOE tries to save star wars galaxies by reforming the gameplay completely, again.

User Rating: 3.5 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
Yes sony online tries to improve the old star wars mmo by once again re-doing the interface and gameplay. Unfortunately what was probably good on paper is a completely abysmal attempt at MMO gameplay.

First off sony has reduced the 30 odd professions and endless number of combinations to 9 "iconic" professions. Each of these professions based on a character from the movies. Although not entirely a bad idea since their customisable characterbuilding have proved to be hard to balance it is executed in a really horrible way. At character creation screen we are treated to 9 very campy pictures of our heroes. This menu looks like it was done in photoshop last night before release and is horrible. You can watch small movies of each profession and their role in galaxies. However as early as the character selection screen it is obvious how little thought went into the different proffessions. The spy, for instance uses recon armor in the movie, something they can't wear. Commando uses battle armor, something they can't wear either. Medic uses bacta toss animation, something that doesn't exist anymore etc. Each of the different professions gets a new skills every 5 levels or so. Unfortunately there isn't much variation. Each character basically get one attack, one heal and one or two profession specific skills that gets upgraded in every tier of the profession (there are 4 tiers).

Second SOE has introduced a new combat system. This new system is the big splinter in my eye. It is without a doubt the most horrible combat system I have ever witnesses in a MMO of this calliber. It was introduced as being more fast-paced and a combination between fps and the classic mmo style. It is indeed and could have been revolutionising if done right. The combat system is based on that you aim directly at your target and hold down the left mouse button / press it repeatedly to fire your weapon. You fire your selected special by pressing the right mouse button. However, unlike and fps it isn't based on how well you aim all that matters is that the mouse is over an enemy and you will hit it. This has the side-effect that enemies that move are extremely hard to hit. Because you can't lead fire to hit the target instead you must try to keep your mouse over the target with the extremely jerky controls that swg has.

The last new feature and the only slightly redeeming aspect of the revamp is the new player experience. When I played SWG with this new features for the first time I was treated to a real star wars experience. You are rescued from imperial captivity by Han Solo and flown away on the falcon, which you have to defend from incomming tie-fighters. It is exiting and you feel like you are part of the movies. These quests can (apparently) take you up to level 30 after which the quests ends. While being the best thing about the game currently it is also the most irritating one. Because I feel sorry for all new players suckered in by these new quests. After you finished the introduction quests you are treated to a grind which is unparalell in any other game. It is pointless, boring and you will wonder why you ever got this game.

Conclusion, once again SOE managed to rush a publish that could have been good if it continued in testing for 6 more months, maybe and content were added for veteran players above level 80.