
User Rating: 1.6 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
The game was so much fun in its hey-day. Now its a joke. I wont rehash what others have said, but I will say this. For vets, these changes represent a huge betrayal of our trust and our loyalty. They have killed any love we had for the game. I'm sure if it were not for the community, many more would have left long ago. But even that might not be enough to save it this time.

The game had such potential, but SoE never seems to come close to realising it. Truely a shame.

Would highly recommend staying away, at least for now. And if you are a huge SW fan like I am, all the more reason. This game is NOT Star Wars.

*Edit To any idiot out there giving this a 10.0 you are either a complete noob who didnt have what it took to compete in the old system, and now you are having everything handed to you, or you are a damn SoE spin doctor plugging in positive feedback to deal with the overwhelming negative response to this disaster. Either way, you are wrong, just look at the numbers.