SOE and LA should be thankful internet laws are in a grey area. What they do to their customers is considered criminal.

User Rating: 1.3 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
I wouldent play this game with the new game enhancements ever. Since I myself am a 3 year veteran of SWG first they ruined it , than about a year later the ruined it some more , than just recently with these new game enhancements BLEW MY MIND it was so insanely rediculus. Player movment is like mario brothers , combat is so ill that it makes me sick , its is never a balenced game. Some one needs to check the DEVS involved in making this game very very sickening. But at least you made my girl-friend happy cause i agree i used to be addicted. I labeld it very hard to play , not cause of the difficulty involved , but it is indeed that for myself ....VERY HARD TO PLAY!!!!!!!