Looking for an MMO that lets you live the Star Wars Adventure?

User Rating: 1 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
So am I. This certainly is NOT it. There are too many reasons to list why NOT to play Star Wars Galaxies: A Galaxy Deluded. If you'd really like to know them all, don't take MY word for it. Read the actual responses from actual players on the official forums (that is, if you can find them before they are deleted and hidden).

The development staff continually lies to the players, then lies to the public about that same interaction, and has proven repeatedly that only two things about the game are consistant.

1) They could care less what the customers WANT.

2) They have no knowledge nor concern for the actual Star Wars universe.

Bugs? How about the same bugs that have existed since launch... and even though the game has been through TWO complete revamps.. the bugs persist.

Customer Service? If you consider trouble tickets being ignored, bug reports being unanswered, and zero communication with the player base (outside of psuedo damage control) to be good customer service, then this is for you. If you're a normal person though, you'd feel less violated by prison rape.

Fun? The only real fun this game ever had was what the players made, and sadly... they've removed even the simplest ability to decorate a home with this New Game Excuse. It's about as fun as a root canal without anethesia.

$20 worth of dog excrement would be a better value than this.