SOE does it agian - Scews over their customers with a terrible game dumbed down for small children.

User Rating: 1.6 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
Game is terrible. One of the worst MMO's out there. Buy something else and be happier for it. Sony designed this game for pure resource extraction (take mony from your pocket to put in theirs).

The game used to have light at the end of the tunnle but it has been in beta form since launch and has only gotten worse.

The game is now unplayable with the NGE. Very unplayable.

Too bad Lucas Arts let Sony Online Entertainment handle the License to the Star Wars MMO.

This must be the worst coding in a game I have ever seen. Plagued with exploits and bugs, just about everything is broken, one way or another. Instead of fixing the bugs they nerf the problem because it is faster. Not one part of the game was ever working as intended.

Do not buy. You will waist your money if you do. Buy Something else...