Don't waste your money to beta test force fed garbage.

User Rating: 1.5 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
I've stuck with this game through 3, yes count them 3 different systems. The latest this "NGE" is a joke. The players/subscribers are never asked what they want, SOE hires a "Focus" group to determine what we "need". Doesn't that sound a tad communist? You don't know what you want but we do hahaha! I've finally opened my eyes to the lies, cheating and stealing by this Dev team and will not continue to support this.
As much as I hate to say this Jedi should never have been introduced into the game. This is where things went downhill. A mmo should never have an Alpha class because everyone will either hate it/hunt it or drop everything in the GCW to follow this path to have their own Alpha. There never should have been a CURB or this NGE. They should have fixed/balanced the original system. But I don't think they can fix anything after all that's happened, they just consume what was and regurgitate what they think we need. For those sticking with the game I wish you luck in getting things fixed but I highly doubt it.