SOE has ruined the game. If you wanna waste 2yrs. of your life and money then this is the game for you.

User Rating: 1.8 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
I basically spent 2 yrs. of my life leaning all about this game and controls, then in May 05 came the first CU and man it just goes down hill from there. This second CU is the game buster for me, I don't have 3 arms and combat is terrible with running, targeting and trying to pre-load specials into one single action slot, mouse 2 use it then try and preload another and try to heal also in the same slot, again all actions are done through this one slot and no more macros to help. It also takes 2 hands now to move around the in the game so doing all this plus trying to fight is ridiculous. The deal with SOE is there is no trust to be had with them. Please just go look at there forums on dev tracker and community tracker and be the judge for yourself.