The essence of what it was have been warped into GARBAGE. Its so sad to see a masterpiece be destroyed.

User Rating: 1 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
The way SWG was before the CU was the most amazing, inspiring and almost unbelievable. It really touched my heart. The way it was structured had this "feeling" to it that was amazing. I will never forget the feeling I got back then. I would give anything to have it back. The community was great, there were ALWAYS people EVERYWHERE. I made a lot of friends. The way it was had to be the greatest masterpiece of all time. My brain just cant comprehend the logic they were and are using with the game. I run through it over and over in my mind but cant come up with WHY. I mean COME ON- People like, makes them happy, lots of payers = keep game the way it is. ITS THAT SIMPLE. I will never understand. Losing my old friend SWG was like losing a family member. Please put your prayers toward our old friend. IT WAS A MASTERPIECE

Absolutely the most disgraceful piece of dog dirt trash I have ever laid my eyes upon.
The essence of the game has been tarnished into an unspeakable atrocity.
The sadness in my soul is unmeasurable because of such a wonderful, inspiring thing to be destroyed.
To return what we want, is so easy, yet the hardest thing to achieve.