....a total crap p.o.s. garbage 2-5yr old game that only still presents an interest because most of the best friends u made online are here ....at least for another couple weeks or so....oh well i hope someone in their right mind sees the wrong doing and corrects it befroe they decide to shut down, because NGE sucks more ballz then even the CU1 which we all kinda adapted to in the end and wasnt so hard to bear with(although some parts of that still SUCK). so if ure a new player but liek FPS u might be delighted with the FPS style but ull understand what we're saying when u run in to all the stupid bugs they CANT EVER GET RIGHT no matter what time they have at their dispossal
Other Helpful Reviews for Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit
I have had the displeasure of spending nearly £300 on this game since I first started playing it (15 months ago) and it was all for nothing. I bought every expansion pack, enhancements, and paid my subscription without... Read Full Review
If you want to have experience as an Alpha tester, this game is for you. If you want something enjoyable? Play battlefront 2. 1- The interface is horrid, you need 3 hands to use it. 2- This is no longer a MMORPG, ... Read Full Review