The more you play the worse it gets

User Rating: 1.6 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
This is the 2nd time SOE/LA has change the game. The first change was not bad but not great.

After almost 7months it was feeling like it was close to being ok.

Now the NGE comes out.

The New combat system which it the focus of this change is odd to say the least. A cross between a FPS and something else. Makes combat unfun to say the least. Movement and firing have been speeded up so it plays fast but fast forward anything and a runs faster, but looks silly and well not enough words for it.

Over all the more it's play the more you hate it. Not sure what they were thinking or who advised them this was a good system but there is a reason no one else has created a combat system like this, it's terrible, unfun and not worth the time of day to play.

If they change the combat and fix the bugs in 6months it might be worth it but I wouldn't pay to play a 2year old game that is still in beta testing.