NGE, New Game enhancements SOE's new parade horse, changed the whole gaming experience once again. This time the game ha
The New game enhancements aren't that enhancing however. The game used to have depth. Where you once were choose between 32 professions, you can choose between nine now. Nine iconic professions. No more choosing templates to adapt to your playstyle.
Let's move on to a new subject , the combat system!
This system got renewd! a lot!
Where you used to select an opponent and then click a special, it has become a more active style of playing. You have to aim to attack now.
Attacks can be done by left clickety clickety clickety clickety. If you want to reach the speedcap you will have to click at least 5 times a second.
People who suffer from aching fingers allready - stop reading here.
The system is far from complete - as there is no collision detection in the game, players and NPC's can just stand on top of each other. In those cases you will have large difficulty dealing with the both of them because you simply can't isolate a target and focus your attack only on him.
After a third attempt to rebalnce all professions you might think they pulled it off! The ranged professions are nicely in balance! I will stop here as the rest is not really balanced.
I have to say a balanced game is not the goal of SWG developers, as they want professions to be fun, rather then balanced.
This has a big impact on your gaming experience. Some professions can take on multiple dangerous foes, while other struggle with npc's just 5 levels below them.
The system is bulky, Where you could one-click a special in the old day's, you have to two-click to use specials now. You need 3 hands to play this game, one for the mouse, one for the wsda buttons and one for the special interface. It is completely user unfriendly. Heavy remapping is required to have at least the best specials withing reach
One mayor improvement is the movement from a grinding xp system to questing system. The quests are more fun then in the old days and contribute to a more starwars feeling.
Graphics are nice and give a starwars feeling, same goes for the sound and the larger variaty of starwars tunes.
If you are looking for a good MMORPG, don't purchase this one. There are better onces out there.
If you still want to buy it, wait a little longer.
The system is full of bugs and not functioning specials!
I am a paying costumer, yet I am betatesting the new game. Unfortunatly I don't recieve a paycheck at the end of the month.