my advice: don't buy this game, at least not yet anyway.

User Rating: 4.2 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
as it stands at the moment this game is dead in the water. it's buggy as hell and the controls and UI are just... well words fail me. i can't believe this game has been pushed into live as is. it need another couple of months to iron everything out.

the UI is hard to read and has little or no customisation available, this may change in the future but i'm not hiolding my breath.

controlling your toon is difficult to say the least. before you just needed your mouse, the only time you needed they keyboard was to type in the chat window. now you need 3 hands to control your toon esp in combat. it is impossible to target enemies as there is not lock on, both you and the npcs move at breakneck speed and the camera view flies wildly about.

previously mobility was the key to combat, you could move and fire using states and mezzes and alternate your shots, heal when u needed, a skilled player could take down npcs many times above his level. now you essentially have to keep still to be able to hit the npcs who can move can shoot u through buildings, mountains and other characters they ca alos hit you from well beyoned your weapn range, up to 300m in some cases.

before a lot of skill was required in combat, tactics food weapons armour all counted towards your success. the only 2 factors now are max health and weapon damage. just multiply wpn dam X health and who ever has the highest number wins.

SOE reduced XP gain saying that levelling is going to be quest based now. this is fine for the 1st 30 levels where the game holds you hand and walks u throught the game ( instead of you talking to other players) the problem is once u finsih the tutorial you're buggered. none of the quests give any decent xp and the xp from grinding or hunting has been nerfed by a factor of 10x. there is no way to take a toon form lvl 30 -80 and beyond. any new toon will die very quickly on its own in the wilds. the only place where anyone can get half way decent xp is on mustafar in the new expansion. the catch 22 situation is that you need to be lvl 80 to even leave the starport. every creature and npc on mustafar is instant death to new players.

the new profs are dull and unispired. before you could master 2 profs or dabble in as amny as you want, choosing your favourite specials to create a unique character. now u must choose one for life. there are 4 levels to each profession, but each skill at each level is just an improved one from the previous. essentially at lvl 90 u will have 1 high damage shot, one snare, one AOE and 1 skill to do with your prof.

my advice to anyone thinking of buying this game is wait about 6 months. hopefully the bugs will have been ironed out and some new mid to upper level content may have been added.