The death of Star Wars Galaxies

User Rating: 2.5 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
I have been playing SWG for about 2 years. I have seen the game in dark places, but never has it been so unpleasent as it is now. It no longer is fun to play. Bugs are everywhere, lag is out of control, and the developers over at Sony Online Entertainment keep saying "It's being looked at. Stay tuned." The new user interface is terribly hard to work with (you'll often end up with 8 windows open every time you try to talk to another player), weapons currently all do the exact same damage (as in your starting pistol does the same damage as the super uber weapons of talented Weaponsmiths) and nothing decays anymore (are the developers trying to kill crafters?), you will often get killed by enemies who are of a lower combat level than you, experience points (and thus advancement in your profession) are hard to come by (especially for veterans who have done most of the existing quests already), the professions are unbalenced (a drunk medic can easily beat a jedi), often your special abilities will not work (so funny when you are about to die but your heal will not work), most of the cool visual animations are gone, and the developers continue to say that most players love the new changes (despite the 10 surveys that show 90% against it). Did I mention that none of the players actually wanted this? That it was told to us the day after a new expansion went live? That the vast majority of paying customers want it changed back?

Don't waste your money or your time on this garbage. I'm sorry I renewed my account last month. Wish they could have told me sooner that they were destroying the game I was paying for.