Horrible, I have been playing for two years now and it is time to say goodbye.
SWG could not compete with WoW, however it had it's loyal players, some of us love sci-fi, and others like the opportunity of roleplaying that WoW just cannot offer.
The fact that SWG placed it upon us, one profession and one profession only takes away the character development, it forces you to stick with one concept and one concept only. Sad, but true.
The movement in the game in itself is enough to make you want to throw your computer down ten flights of stairs, and the combat makes your blood pressure boil.
I went on the TC and could deal with it there, they offered you ways of learning your new profession. And when the game went live...wow...just wow...they throw you into the sharks with no guidance of where to begin. I ran around in circles confused, and just gave up.
After two years, I say goodbye.