Great Game undone - by latest Change

User Rating: 2.7 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
Joined the Starwars Universe 4 months ago, an was amaze.

One of the best games I'd played loads of options to make your character (35 different career options open to you) you could master a couple or be a jack of all trades. Had a real sense of achievement as you work your way up the skills ladder, if you found you did not like a skill you could tru another, by giving your old on up.

I went for the jack of all trades option, allowing me to craft or go hunting when I got tired of crafting,

athough the new enhancement starter kit does have a few improvements, graphics and support for new players, they have almost ruined this great game with the changes to the professions (you now have a choice of only 9 very fixed rolesm 3 of these are now almost worthless, these being the entertainers, crafters & Jedi, supprised at this last one as, I was as well) Any new starter can now walk into the games as a Jedi , but will find just about every other profession other than Crafters & Entertainers can kill them, quite easily