Absolute the worst MMO !! Complete bantha poodoo!!!

User Rating: 1.3 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
The Star Wars Galaxies Starter Kit (NGE) took a game that while had many bugs was unique and still fun to play. Now SWG-NGE is the worst MMO you could want. Simple combat actions such as specials and healing are bugged and do not work properly (expect to be visiting the cloning station ALOT due to your death).

If you do not have the agility and dexterity of a 16 year old teenage boy then you will quickly be very outpaced with the new controls.

I really cant find anything nice to say about it so I guess I should do as my mother said and just stop saying anything at all.

If you are one of the new people that is trying the trail let me assure you that SoE/LA put ALL the umph and goodness into that little tutorial you play to start... The rest of the time you play after that will be Horrid!