SWG is to NGE as College is to elementary school.

User Rating: 2.3 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
SWG was once a game full of freedom, choice, and professions that required careful study and set up. The NGE has now reduced it to a strict system that does not allow for choice. So far, nearly everything in the NGE is bugged in one way shape or form. The worst of this is the insults to the Creature Handlers and Politicians. I was a creature handler and loved it, now it is gone forever. I was also working on Politician and was two or three elections from being a master politician. Now, the NGE grants every person master politician whenever they join a city but existing mayors that were not master yet did not recieve master. The nine professions, as opposed to nearly 30 before, are watered down versions of past professions or they are combos of two or more old professions that are watered down. The new speed of movement left out terrain negotiation, which leaves movement uphill horrid. Then, we have the lies from the SOE representatives. They claim that the vast majority approved these changes and were fans of the NGE. One look at the SWG forums will tell you how the gamers feel about this NGE.