was great, its nothing now

User Rating: 1.4 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
when i bought this game i had high hopes, i had heard alot about it and knew that my expectations for the game would be good (this is before we were introduced to the NGE)
when i first started playing i was hooked, i enjoyed playing all aspects of the game and mixing each profession, trying to decide which one i would focus myself on as there was so many to choose from

after weeks of consist playing i was enjoying the game more and more, and after long efforts of grinding and leveling up on professions i felt i had earned each level up i received

this all changed however by the NGE, which was brought onto us

i certainly didnt expect the interface to change and was dissapointed when it was introduced, now the whole interface just looks cheap, the combat system is a pain to use and the whole profession system is now ruined

i liked it before where i could mess about with a few professions, i hate being stuck with just one

now that this NGE is out i was really hoping LA/SOE would listen to the players and revert to the pre NGE but it seems all they care about is making money

my account has already been cancelled
the game was great, until it was ruined