SOE conned us into buying an expansion,then one day after,announces a new revamp of entire game.This is criminal duplicity.They upgrade aka NGE is full of bugs.It is dumbed down to appeal to younger gamers who don't understand the nature of an RPG or a MMORPG,and want some buttons to mash.SOE and Lucas should never have allowed this to be perpetrated on us.Commandos main weapons,known as heavy weapon,are disabled.Pictured Armor,doesn't work with the ICONIC skill - profession, that it shows.Previous weapons and items are degraded, or unusable, and the game went from complex to dumb down in one day.No veteran player I know of was ever asked about anything we wanted changed.If they wanted to market a new game why not just do so with different packaging and name.Clunky new interface,and poor aiming, and too many bugs to list here.Don't BUY this game.We have been victimized, you don't have to be.BUGS,LAG,and bad customer relationship.
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I have had the displeasure of spending nearly £300 on this game since I first started playing it (15 months ago) and it was all for nothing. I bought every expansion pack, enhancements, and paid my subscription without... Read Full Review
If you want to have experience as an Alpha tester, this game is for you. If you want something enjoyable? Play battlefront 2. 1- The interface is horrid, you need 3 hands to use it. 2- This is no longer a MMORPG, ... Read Full Review