This game sux!!! I mean, MMORPG, not Massivly Multiplayer Online Third Person Shooter! BLEH!

User Rating: 1 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
This game is one of the worst I have played in all of my days of plainy MMORPG's. Its the thing about the RPG prat of MMORPG that makes a game great. Who wants a MMOTPS? Or MMOFPS? Anyone? I like the fact of an MMORG that it is an RPG, I love to role play, and I love fighting systems I've found in many of them, but that just is crazy that third person shooters shouldnt not be MMO's, they just shouldnt, plain and simple. You can never take the RPG out of MMORPG! So change it back to what it was please!