When i first got the game it was amazing. I could play for hours on end and i did not mind paying the subscription every month. However since SOE have been making changes to the game and been trying to make it more like wow i have been very dissapointed with the game and cancelled my subscription because i was not going to waste my time. Pre-CU was awsum, CU was dull, and this new development puts SWG into a leage of its own crapness. I would advise people not to buy this game which also takes a very powerfull PC to run. Buy a game like Guild Wars which i enjoy playing and there are no subscriptions!
Other Helpful Reviews for Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit
I have had the displeasure of spending nearly £300 on this game since I first started playing it (15 months ago) and it was all for nothing. I bought every expansion pack, enhancements, and paid my subscription without... Read Full Review
If you want to have experience as an Alpha tester, this game is for you. If you want something enjoyable? Play battlefront 2. 1- The interface is horrid, you need 3 hands to use it. 2- This is no longer a MMORPG, ... Read Full Review