game sux
when star wars galaxies was first realeased i got into this game was a nice fast combat system but had a lot of bugs,the game needed balance with other classes/proffessions.later on the devs decided that they were gonna fix the balance in the game so they said they were gonna work on a patch to fix it little did the players know that the devs decided to change the combat system,many players were upset because we wanted the old system fixed but the devs didnt want to do this because they felt it was to complicated to fix the old system so they came out with combat when this game out there was many bugs many proffessions/classes that needed to be fixed and balanced still.seems to me this company rushes out there patches while bugs are still anyways this company released a new patch just recently calling it the nfg or something.this new pat takes a lot away from the classes and proffessions you can pick it went from 32 proffessions now down to 9.they added quest and more video to make it more star warsy but they could have done it with the old sysem as in short this company cant make up its mind on where they are going with this game i have played for 2 years and its a shame that the game went this bad.want to buy a game buy world of warcraft devs @ blizzard know what they are doing.