SOE has truely hit rock bottom!
"upgrades" pass through this game, some for the better, but in general, most have been very buggy and dissapointing. I ask myself how such a large established multi-million dollar company could make such a huge mistake as they have made with this last "upgrade". They have developed some fine games, with EQ and other's, but SWG has always been known for very poor customer service, and very poor attention to the many bugs that have plagued it since it's creation.
This last upgrade has reduced the game to 1/4 of what it used to be, 30+ professions dwindled down to 9, no need to work on your character's stats, cause they have any. It's a absolute shell of what it used to be. The User Interface is extremely difficult to use, and combat is almost impossible, you MUST keep your mouse curser over your target, or you fall out of combat (and there is no target lock). The list of bugs are too many to list here.
My suggestion is, don't waste your money on this game, it is absolutely HORRIBLE.