Sony makes a new game and tries to pass it off as Galaxies
A major problem I have is that the pushed their expansion Trials of Obi-Wan with Pre-Order items only to announce the day after the expansion was released that game play was going to change in 15 days. So they take your money, then switch the mechanics of the game.
If Sony and Lucas Arts wanted a first person shooter, they should have made Battle Fronts II be and online FPS. NOT mess up a game that was already in place.
The reason Sony gave as to why the change. To make it more like Star Wars. Instead of adding content to make it more like Star Wars they gutted the whole game. When you think Star Wars, what do you think of? I think of Space Battles and the conflict between the Rebels and the Empire. Well when the initial release happened you didn't have Space in it. That happened with the first expansion, which was awesome. But why was it released without it?
Also, The Galactic Civil War has been a joke since its release. You would think that Stormtroopers would be EVERY WHERE, trying to take out the Rebels, not so. And when you did find Stromtroopers, they could be easily defeated.
I could go on forever about how much this game has failed to realize it's potential. Sony and Lucas Arts in their quest for money has turned their backs on the core players from the initial release in hopes that they will be able to get new players to pay for a product that is still in the Beta Testing stage. Although, they call it ready and have released it to you, the customer.
I would suggest NO buying this. If you want a FPS, buy a game that has been doing it for awhile. If you want a RPG, go with WOW or wait for Middle Earth Online.