If you're looking for a fun new game to play, this ain't it.

User Rating: 1.1 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
Apparently Sony Online Entertainment lost the original SWG developer team to another company. Over the last year, this game has gone from great to terrible. What was a very intricate game with many different professions and templates to choose from has now been dumbed down to a dull mindnumbing game that isn't playable by anyone with the brain capacity over a 11 year old. This game is now utter garbage.
This isnt all. This game by far has the WORST customer service and developer team communication of any game I've ever played. Game problems are completely ignored. Severe game breaking bugs linger in the game many months after they were introduced. When people make complaints about things like this on the official forums, they risk getting a ban from the game.
If this game weren't Star Wars related, it would have died long ago. But now its time has come.

I recommend that you don't waste your time or money on this pile of feces.