This is as fair as the review will get.

User Rating: 3.4 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
I've been playing this game since it's birth and I've seen it evolve constantly. The ideal MMPORG is a work in progress at any given time. The most recent revamp to the game have some good concepts behind some bad implementation. The FPS combat system has turned this once thoughtful combat que to cooldown system into a mashing the mouse and keyboard contest. Some will try to tell you that holding down the button is the way to go but that only applies to ranged as far as I can see as clicking makes for the faster attacks. Although the idea of dodging your opponent has now become a feasable tactic it falls short drastically and is a hair close to becoming a bunny hopping mindless point and shoot. I see the bunny hopping coming soon with the track it's on lol. This system takes alot away from the strategic specials and such which make leveling in a game an incentive.
In the goal to make the player more engaged in every encounter they've taken away the very appeal that attracted and kept many of the player base paying another subscription. Being the constant work in progress that it is you can never expect it to be bugless however you should expect many old bugs to be squashed eventually. That is not always the case with this game and many new subscribers will realize that something they thought would be fixed soon never really will be. The tried and true method of fixing has been devotedly dubbed as "NERFING" aka removal or drastic change of the forementioned problem. There are bugs months and months old but new bugged content / changes keep rolling out.
If you are going into this game with the misconception of being a kick butt jedi, bounty hunter, officer, smuggler, spy, commando with the most complete Star Wars feel be prepared to uninstall that trial and move on to something else.