Not the game it once was, and not worth buyin

User Rating: 4.2 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
I was Anson Darklight of the Corbantis server Master freelance pilot / Master smuggler, cofounder of a guild pilots union and then created my own small union. I have played SWG for about a year and half devoting all my spare time into my charactor. I loved the game the swg /jtl games .
Then along came the Rage of the wookies , needless to say it had and still has seriuose issues not resovled from day one. SOE and LUCAS ARTS were slow to respond to complaints, and slow to repiar, some bugs just have never been fixed. To top this the compnaies bruoght forth Trials of Obiwan and within a week rewrote the intire game structure (dumbed the combat action ) down to were you need only one attack your best attack , With a new game in front of me no instruction on how to proceed and the companies forcing me to buy the new upgrade just to be able to level up im fed up. In my oppion this game is trash its not worth $17.99 nor 5$. Soe and Lucas will be again rewrighting the game again making all the hard work now worthless. People stay far far away from this shameful excuse of a game