What went wrong with this game? Instead of trying to fix the problems this game had in the beginning they made this a game for retards and people with low IQ that wants to be Jedi. Jedi should be hard to gain, not something you get to be after completing some mindless quests that a 9-year old child easily could do. I think they want people to get used to dumbed down games so that they can sell **** like this in the future. This game is now and realy bad shape and if you want to play as a trader, forget it! They have completely destroyed the trader profession with "the no decay" and even if there where decay, crafting is so dumbed down and boring now without stats on subcomponents on weapons. Stay far away from this mess!
Other Helpful Reviews for Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit
I have had the displeasure of spending nearly £300 on this game since I first started playing it (15 months ago) and it was all for nothing. I bought every expansion pack, enhancements, and paid my subscription without... Read Full Review
If you want to have experience as an Alpha tester, this game is for you. If you want something enjoyable? Play battlefront 2. 1- The interface is horrid, you need 3 hands to use it. 2- This is no longer a MMORPG, ... Read Full Review