I submitted bug reports only to severe issues and only after checking the knowledge base ( ya right what a joke)
I had watched many of my close friends communicate of events in game on our Clans website and had often wanted to re-join my fun going group.
When the SWG starter kit came out I was indeed hopefull as it would have all the expansions all the updates yada yada no looking and buying all these parts to make one whole. I got in just b4 the changes went into effect and had started myself a decent carreer met up with my good friends and was quite optimistic about the future.
Sure this was supposed to be a "free" period according to them, I don't see it as such since I paid 30 bucks for a game I can not play without a subscription. Regardless of the those issues I did try to be optimistic and pursued. The first 2 days after the changes were spent tryin to irradicate targets many of which would not die or destroy, waypoints that lead to NOWHERE user interface that changes at each login none of which worked right or consistently. Missions that will not fail and remain stuck in the data pad also preventing ne new missions or quests. ABSOLUTELY NO response from bug reports, help has no information to "HELP" keymap lists are not even correct or complete. No game instruction whatsoever (if the point is just to go out and grind XP then for crying out loud SAY SO!!!!) One main draw to the game for me was the JTL as it was space that brought my merry banded group together in the beggining. At first glance I was perhaps a bit relieved as I saw a familiar looking and feeling atmosphere (X-Wing Alliance) It was not long b4 this comfort turned to disgust as it began to seem more and more EXACTLY like the old Xwing Alliance that also failed miserably due to gameplay (lag) Lag was simply pathetic and after chasing targets and finally getting some damage only to see the target will not destroy.
Ground targets once reaching level 8 were limited to level 4 rock mites or 36 and higher thugs or milita...???? And long quests or travel had to be undergone just to find them.
Customer support? Where?
I submitted bug reports only to severe issues and only after checking the knowledge base ( ya right what a joke) and never did recieve a reply. I tried the customer support to find a form to fill out with an option for "in-game" problem category. After filling out this rather lengthy form and trying to submit, I was informed that customer support is not able to assist with ingame matters...??? The few times I tried the live chat help it was not available either.
2 weeks into my "Free" period I had already had more than enough, I completely deleted my character and un-installed SWG. So I guess I have about 2 weeks left to share my experience and hopefully give SOMEONE a more realistic expectation of this game or what it has become.
IMO another fine example of legalized or society empowered embezzlement.
"U pay up front then I take u in back room where NO ONE can hear u scream"