Because of the latest combat change called the NGE, I can no longer recommend this game. I have cancelled my accounts

User Rating: 1.4 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
I don't like the targeting system at all. I've given it a try since its launch and its just not what this game needs. Sure its fast paced, but there are to many things wrong with it. For one, I hate how creatures chase you and they are on top of each other. It makes it impossible to hit just one. Since we cant /target lock npcs anymore, you are out of luck if an npc is stuck in a wall. Pvp'ing is simply a mess. I tried it for an entire day and ended up not liking it. I had one person hide inside mobs. Seriously, he literally hid inside a mob making me hit the mob and I ended up fighting him and the mob. Another person used non-special forces players to get in my way. They would stand between me and him so I couldn't target him....