Ok tired of this hating this game is fun and you know it.

User Rating: 8.2 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
Ok first off i never played the original SWG but i hered its share of good and bad things well WoW got boreing so i decided to try this and honestly....... I love it i find it more interesting and fun than WoW (tho dont get me wrong wow is incredible) yea i said so what you wanna fight about it. When I came into this game i had low low low expectations so i was easily impressed when it turned out good. Anyway the game kinda plays like a 3rd person shooter in a way were you have your crosshair that you use to traget things and interact with them this is very well done when you use a blaster most of all. The character creation is mutch more advanced than that of WoW which is a plus for me that was my one problem with WoW not good customization. The graphics are good for a MMO but not jaw droping there are some flaws and glitches in it. The sound sounds like star wars like when your on a planet and here TIE Fighter pass over you recognize the sound of it and know its a TIE fighter. Jump to Light Speed which is the one that adds starships and better space travle is included with this starter pack which is good cause i dont know how people played the orignal befor this expasion came out. Overall its a solid game with a fair share of glitches which lowers its value but overall lots of fun to be had.