the second gutting of the game in two years, and the worst of the two. HORRIBLE.

User Rating: 1.4 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
if sony online had clue one what they were doing with this intellectual property it wouldnt tale two complete over hauls of the game to try and get it right and STILL fail.

the game's been dumbed down to the point of sheer boredom.

if you like games that dont require you to think, then jump on board, otherwise, break out your atari 2600, its more exciting.

this is a totally unneccessary and completely worthless change.

sony already has a horrible reputation for customer service, now add this weak revamp and what youre left with is a total waste of mone

it speaks volumes when you have a brand name like star wars and not only do you fail at it, but everytime you try to make an improvement you damage the product even more.