No conspiracy here.....the game is plain terrible
This is Star Wars people. Star Wars! Consider how bad the game has to be to provoke this kind of (deserved) outrage from the player base?! For over two and a half years SOE has "developed" this game further and further away from what the player base has asked for. The NGE (VIA the "Starter Kit') brings an entirely new completely different than the game the dwindling player base has been playing for over two years.
In summary:
·This change was developed in secret, without the player base’s knowledge
·Extensive forum threads were started by the developers to discuss “improvements” and changes to professions that had been utterly broken since launch, knowing full well that the NGE would eliminate all but 9 professions
·32 professions reduced to 9 “Iconic” professions
·Jedi is now a starter profession (regardless of the fact that the game takes place immediately after the destruction of the first death star)
·Literally, for every 10 players you encounter, 9 of them are Jedi
·With that in mind, finding 10 live, actual players has become pretty dam hard -the servers are utterly vacant
·The crafting professions have been decimated and in it’s place are “Traders”
·Traders are left to produce items that are secondary in stats to looted items, hence no player demand
·There is still no galactic civil war…none
·The first 32 “levels” are highly scripted, after that your left to shoot at various critters running around on various planets /yawn
·To “level-up” you will be forced to buy the expansions
·The “New, Exciting and Improved” targeting is certainly new but, neither exciting nor improved. Targeting an enemy is virtually impossible VIA the clumsy interface
·Many, many issues with server stability, lag and a plethora of bugs were uncovered during the very brief “play testing” – and not addressed - before the push to the live servers
·SOE has continued the rich bug ridden history of SWG by continuing to push “improvements” that are not wanted, nor asked for by the community through “publishes” (SOE euphemism for patches) that are horribly executed and introduce more bugs than they claim (often not) to fix
There you have it. Avoid this like a week old turd, yet to be flushed.