Game has lost all realizm. Very Cheezy skill types NGE combat is Arcade like Very bad online game. Do not even try.

User Rating: 1 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
Game has lost all realism. The skills are very Cheezy. Only 2 are useful for combat, spy and bounty hunter. Jedi are nearly defenseless. Crafters have vanished, I haven't been able to find one in weeks. Skill building has now become a very complex task. Only missions and Quests can build skills. Even then it is very slow. The new menu system cut the tool bar in half. Many menus are located off the screen. SOE denys the problem exists. Julio Torres is currently a bit delusional,. He currently views the NGE as great gaming experience. It is a unholy nightmare. The truth is the NGE is a failure, however since so much time was spent on it they will never admit it. So the insanity continues. The pre-NGE game was ment to be more of a "real life" in the Star Wars universe. Basically you were who you made yourself to be. Now you are who Torres allows you to be (without the option to change). Sooner or later SOE will come to their senses and realize the NGE is a failure. Please remember this:
NGE is more star wars fun.............LIE!!!!!!!
NGE is bring more players.............LIE!!!!!!! it lost over half of the players
NGE code superior to old...............LIE!!!!!!....Bull-(profanity)
NGE graphics enhanced................LIE ......... very herky jerky, character doesn't more like a living creature.

Bottom line is skip it or take a break. It is going to take some time for them to come to their senses. If you like star wars. Don't try this game. It will only leave you with a hurt sick feeling. This is the only game that can literally hurt you, with a feeling of betrayal. IF you love Star Wars.... Don't try this skip it.