What can i truely say about SWG? Post-NGE , complete and utter trash.
It had a decent amount of proffesion's, to keep most ppl busy, and above average gameplay.
Myself i can comment on SWG , as ive played from the launch of the europeon-farstar server on the game.
What i will tell you next, won't be so polite to SOE.
Once again , new gameplay phisics have been added to SWG, and i must say , ive never in my life played such a poorly and clunky game to date.
These new gameplay phisics (which they call NGE) is something which most ppl in the SWG community class as the death of SWG.
Let's talk about the bug's.
Some annoying fact's are, when pvp'ing , ppl have the amazing ability to shoot through wall's, the way the character's move are unrealistic, it is impossible to grind to lvl90.
Then we look at the content and lastability of the game.
There is now only 9 proffesion's, which offer poor entertainment and content throughout.
Pre-NGE , i could play all day long, now im lucky if i can keep myself contented for five minute's, because it is truely poor.
My advice to anyone interested in buying SWG , is not to bother.
Avoid at all cost's, save your money for something that deserve's it.