A Disgrace to SOE and StarWars!
I thought not. I have just given you the current state of the game. I haven't even touched on the practically empty servers, broken quest, S L O W or NO experience gains, and all the players that have already cancelled.
This game is a shadow of what it once was. In fact, this is a NEW game filled with bugs, overspawns, underspawns, lag, difficult to use interface, poor experience or no experience, animations that are too fast, broken quest, and cookie cutter character development.
Add to this the worst customer support of any game, product or service I have ever purchased and you have this new NGE version of SWG. This game is not even close to what it was originally. The game has always been buggy but many hoped that they bugs would be fixed and more "star wars content" added. Unfortunately, no bugs were fixed and no new contend added. They simply wiped out the old game and replaced it with this new one. One smapp problem though, the new version is more buggy than the one they replaced!
I am sad to say that SOE has taken the uniqueness out of the game that I loved. They have dumbed down the game so much now that there really isn't any need to do character development since all the characters are pretty much the same. The only real complex play they have left in is how to handle mobs that have overspawned and are sitting on top of one another or pop up in groups of over 100 or more. But the balanced that by having areas where there are no spawns at all.
Save yourself the frustration and disappointment, download another game.
Believe me when I tell you, the only thing that is StarWars, in this new NGE version, is the name of the game.