Don't waste your time on this game, it would be spent much better in a game like Guild Wars.

User Rating: 1 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
This game is a shell of its former self. What was once an engaging, deep, complicated, and fun game, is now just a game trying to be like everybody else. The crappy new FPSish combat is just plain nauseating (I honestly couldn't play wihtout getting a head ache or motion sickness) and the only 9 choices for professions are very bland and cookie cutter. If you pick Smuggler, you are just like every other smuggler, nothing is different except your character model that you pick in the beginning (smugglers still can't smuggle, how disgraceful is that?) Don't buy into this "New! Fun! Exciting!" game that the developers are trying to make it, because you will just be dissapointed. You will play for a few hours, and then if you are puking over the toliet, you will be bored to death. Do yourself a favor, play Guild Wars, or any other great MMORPG, because this one isn't great anymore, it's just disgusting. I'll see you guys in Guild Wars.

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