IMO- The game was totally altered in order to cater to sniffling teenagers with ADHD. The game is broken. Not worth it!

User Rating: 1.5 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
Until the NGE (New Game Enhancements) I had nothing but fun and enjoyment even though the game still had many bugs. When the NGE was implemented, the game became a total disaster. The NGE itself was barely tested before being setup on the game servers. Because of this, the game now has more bugs than it ever did.

If I come across as bitter, you bet I am! This new game is now not what I paid for and was duped into buying an expansion with SoE knowing full-well that the game was going to fundamentally change 2 weeks later.

2 days after the Trials of Obi Wan expansion was released to the public (November 1), the NGE was announced (November 3) to the current member-base (ie. Bait and Switch). On November 15, the NGE was implemented and much of the content added by the Trials of Obi Wan expansion, as well as other game expansions became useless. Entire professions were deleted, abilities and items gained through quests became useless, and a mass cancellation of member accounts followed suit.

Because of the money I have invested in the game and the fact I am such a hard-core Star Wars fan, I am sticking around to see what becomes of these changes for the future. For now, though, I am very mad and recommend that NOBODY spend their hard-earned money on this not-quite so MMO-FPS.

It is my sincere hope that SoE and LucasArts fix this game. My patience has limits.