Star Wars Galaxies was a fine game, but the "New Game Enhancements"...

User Rating: 2.6 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
I started with SWG back in June 2003 (Official Launch Day) and enjoyed the game immensely with my friends. Sure there were rough spots, and bugs that should have been quashed before launch, but we figured SOE would fix them quickly.

We were dead wrong.

Fast Forward 2.5 years and the community is dead. SOE is stating that the Starter Kit was designed to give the game more of a "Star Wars Feel". It's actually just the opposite. In the older system, one had to grind to be a Jedi, annoying but expected. In the older system being a crafter had meaning, now drops are better. In the older system PvP had flair, now it's just a standard class-based FPS.

If you want to play a class-based FPS, pick up something like RTCW: Enemy Territory which one can download and play for free, rather than the starter kit. ET has less bugs, is more enjoyable, free, and you can easily find many XP save servers.

The Starter Kit has (2.5 years in the game, brand new for NGE) many bugs, and a company for whom customer support is alien. The height of this was demonstrated when they charged everyone for an expansion under the old rules, only two days later to announce a fundamental shift in the game (NGE). The rank cowardice of that move, with NO communication to the playerbase beforehand, ranks as the low point of all my experiences in MMORPGS. I started with Electronic Arts in Ultima Online, and beta-tested many, many, many others.

The final thing I will say is that if a game I might want to play is released by Sony Online Entertainment, I will *never, ever* even try it. The Customer Support at SOE is abysmal. So abysmal in fact, that an entire 60 person guild has, after playing NGE for a month (to give it a fair shake), cancelled their subscriptions and is now playing a game with excellent customer support.