A poor mans FPS, filled with bugs making this unplayable. There are better online games out there.

User Rating: 1.5 | Star Wars Galaxies: Starter Kit PC
Since the NGE ( New Gaming Experience) went live this game is now one of the worst star wars games I have ever played. It is laced with bugs combat is laggy and there is no high level content once you have reached level 30.

There are now only 9 and once chosen you can not surrender skills and respec, you now have to delete the character and everything they have to make a new one.

SOE has lied to its customers time and time again and their customer service is rubbish.

If you wish to play a jedi character and thinking of buying this game then may I ask you to consider the option of buying Knight of the Old Republic 1 or 2 which are far better RPGs and will not have you spending £14 a month on a subscription to play this half hearted attempt at a Star Wars game.

If you truley do wish to play a MMO then consider some of the better ones out there on the market at the moment such as World of Warcraft , City of Heros/Villans.
Or take a look at the new games coming out for 2006 such as Vanguard, Dark and Light, Lord of the Rings.

In all I have never played such a bad MMO as the post NGE SWG and I hope they pull the plug on this once great game and let it rest in peace.