SWG has taken what was a poorly designed slow and basically a glorified chatroom and made it into a fun game. The turnaround came with Jump to lightspeed and has made and exciting and active game with nge. In shor t they have put the fun back into Star Wars! The combat is actually meaningful, the exporation is not barren and void but now holds some excitiemnt and meaning. There are now quests and good ones to, quests give goals to the game and make you want to play on . Yes you ;can still chat but that is not an end all like the old swg was , when you werent sitting in the cantina sleeping waiting for someone to buff you you were doing nothing. The big attraction in the old game was showing off your stuffed tiger that Sony gave you for enduring the old game so long, we dont need no stinkin tigers in the new game it speaks for itself
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I have had the displeasure of spending nearly £300 on this game since I first started playing it (15 months ago) and it was all for nothing. I bought every expansion pack, enhancements, and paid my subscription without... Read Full Review
If you want to have experience as an Alpha tester, this game is for you. If you want something enjoyable? Play battlefront 2. 1- The interface is horrid, you need 3 hands to use it. 2- This is no longer a MMORPG, ... Read Full Review