Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided... and by divided, I mean broken... lame...
I had planned to make a character, model him after an Imperial Officer, and just run with it. Character creation is arguably one of the most important features in a MMORPG... people are vain, what do you want? Star Wars Galaxies' character creation was limited. Human appearance options were limited and it was tough making a half way decent character. Lame starting outfits too... no self respecting imperial would be caught dead in either of the 4 outfits they offer.
So scroll big yellow text that goes on and on into the twilight... probably the best part of the game. Music swells and... open with fire fight in space of no adequately explored significance. I chose the officer profession, not sure what the others do. Controls seemed a bit overly complicated, you can't really do anything while typing or exploring menus. I can kind of forgive that, but if it had the lay out of a KOTOR it would have been a snap. Anyway...
Rescued from an Imperial Ship by Han, Chewie, and da droids. Didn't want to be rescued, but whatever. Popped three troopers and hopped on the falcon. Han made me get all up in the turrets and blast some tie fighters... I couldn't get the targeting system to work, c3p0 just kept talking about it. So I get out and open in a new place. Talk to one person for mission, talk to another person for mission. They throw me into this flight training thing... I'm on my way to the station to complete this mission... I ask for permission to dock, they say ok, and BAM!!!!
So scroll big yellow text that goes on and on into the twilight... wtf? They made me go back into the tutorial mission I just did? I still have the pretty pistol Han gave me, so it must know I did this already, right? Long story short, nothing changed after switching up characters, trying different servers, or being extra careful to listen to everything...
Ten Day Free Trial? They won't let you off the broom closet of a space station. Not a good sign. Completely turned off about the game from just that. Took me forever to find out that they just don't allow trial accounts out of the station. Not very helpful at all.